ATHOMES continues to work on both the state and national levels regarding your questions relating to caring for your patients… waivers, F2F, equipment concerns, administrative burdens, etc. We will continue to share updates as they become available. THANK YOU for all you are doing for the health and safety of your patients, employees, and families! Make sure you continue to check the CDC and CMS websites for updates. Stay safe and be well.
Contact for assistance.
ATHOMES has sent a letter to the Governor and the Medicaid offices to underscore the importance of PPE for our industry. Thank you to AAHomecare for assistance with the content.
For a copy of the ATHOMES PPE letter, CLICK HERE.
VGM also has a link to help with making this request known to Senators and Congress as well. CLICK HERE to notify your Senator and/or Congress representative.
Here is information on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) which is an SBA loan that helps businesses keep workforces employed during the COVID-19 crisis.
The US Department of the Treasury also provides links for assistance.
Beth Bowen received this information from an industry friend who gave permission to share! THANK YOU to ProMed President, Sylvia Toscano for sharing this information. They received CGS permission to share the information so with her permission, we are sharing with you. We copied and pasted the questions and response for a simpler read. I am sure it will spark more questions, but we can use those questions to seek further guidance.
CLICK HERE for the document summary.
Federal Financial Support for HME Suppliers Handout.pdf
The accelerating spread of the COVID-19 virus has significant implications for the full scope of the healthcare continuum, including the HME community. In response, CMS, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), and the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) have thus far released broadly applicable information related to working with patients and protecting healthcare personnel. This page serves as a resource for the Home Medical Equipment community with all resources in one place.
Some Helpful Links:
3M Update on Mask Disinfecting
Small Business COVID-19 Briefing
SBA Paycheck Protection Program
US Treasury Small Business Assistance
Staff Letter Sample During Emergency
IRS Paid Leave Information
Here is the recording from the March 26th Webinar
Here is the recording from the April 7th Webinar
VGM State of the Industry Webinar
Here is the recording from the April 7th Webinar
Here is the PDF of the Handout
AAHomecare Payers in Pandemic: Recoding HERE and PDF HERE
VGM Phase into New Normal Recording HERE and PDF HERE
CRT Industry COVID-19 Webinar 4-23-20 from NCART on Vimeo.